Thursday, July 30, 2009

Now & Then

Thought I'd share these vintage photos with you... I grabbed them from flickr... They were posted by Kenny Gregrich, who owns CSI Pawn Shop in Tooele. The black and white photo dates back from the 1940s... what do you think about the SunFreeze logo on the site... Kenny thinks we should recreate it. What do you think? The Santa parade photo is from 1977. I've also included a recent shot of the building. We often get asked about our building's renovation.... We can't take credit for that; our landlord, Darrell Moore, is the visionary behind that, and matching grants from Tooele City helped pay for the work. My favorite features are the walnut and travertine floor, as well as the stained glass in the front window.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Easy-to-Make Bench

Our beloved babysitter, Melissa Wallace, is such a creative gal. Almost every time I visit her home, she has come up with some new decorating idea -- many of them she builds herself. Her latest creation is an easy-but-adorable bench. She took two chairs, placed them side by side and placed one piece of wood over the seats. You can secure your new top with wood glue or screws. If you wanted to dress up your bench, you could route the edge of the new seat or glue on some padding and cover it with fabric (just wrap the fabric around the edges and discretely staple it underneath. I would also recommend upholstering the seat before you secure it to the chairs). What a great, inexpensive idea! Thanks for sharing Melissa!!!
***If you have a before and after project or a new idea you would like to share, please email us!